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The elite team of PG SOFT is constantly pushing boundaries and exploring new ways to create games that are great gameplay-wise and aesthetically pleasing in terms of visuals. Motivated by the booming NFT market, PG SOFT has recently ventured into digital collectibles with the purchase of the Bored Ape #3258 NFT from the well-known Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) collection. The acquisition has also led to the birth of our new game, Wild Ape #3258!

Inspired by the hip-hop style NFT character, Wild Ape #3258 showcases a trendy and stylish universe which guarantees players an extraordinary visual feast. Moreover, the game also features some interesting new gameplays that will not only bring players dozens of hours of enjoyment, but also higher odds of winning. If you're a fan of Bored Ape and would love an adventure in its fun universe, this game is for you!

Wild Ape #3258 is a 6-reel, 6-row video slot featuring a big Wild symbol with increasing multiplier. During the main game spin, winning two consecutive rounds will activate the Wild Bored Ape symbol and increase the win multiplier. Collecting 4 Scatter symbols will trigger 10 free spins!

This game platform supports iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows and Web HTML5.


PG SOFT® hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die mobile App-Gamification zu revolutionieren, indem wir unser weites Spektrum an maßgeschneiderten Gaming-Lösungen optimal ausnutzen. Unsere Spiele sind der Inbegriff erstaunlicher, bemerkenswerter Ästhetik und faszinierender Spielmechaniken, die allen Spielern von mobilen Slots eine unvergleichliche Spielunterhaltung bieten.

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